Waiting on….

Sometimes we wait for that perfect moment to do something.... And we wait. And we wait. And we wait. Oftentimes, we have waited so long we don't even remember that we were waiting for we've moved on to other things. And in that new moment we find ourselves caught up again in the wait. As

On being a Wife….

A child often contemplates what they would like to be when they grow up. Usually, it's prompted by annual school projects while learning about community members, or during parent career days. Sometimes, it's the visit to an auntie or uncle's house that prompts the questions from relatives. Occasionally, a child will daydream of being a

Season of Obedience

Aloha friends! This past weekend I had the amazing opportunity to co-speak at our church's family retreat during our women's breakout session. It may not seem like something huge or amazing, but the 45 minute session was a huge step for me as I obediently break out of my introvert shell. You see, for many