When it’s Hardest to Love

Love. It’s so simple, yet in our fallen world, it can sometimes be one of the hardest things to do.

How do you love someone who has betrayed you?

How do you love someone who has done wrong to you or a loved one?

How do you love someone who has taken the life of someone else?

How do you love someone who does not love you?

I came across a question once asking why God redeems those who have committed the darkest of sins with an unconditional love, and yet the same God allows good people and children to suffer under the same unconditional love? It seems so hard to fathom, sometimes, that God would pursue that one lost sheep, leaving the other 99 by the wayside. But truthfully, friends, you are not left by the wayside. He knows you are where you are meant to be.

Some of us have gone through things no one has ever deserved to go through, and we often ask ourselves why it happens or how God let such a thing happen. I’m sorry that there are no clear answers, my friend. Sometimes we get a glimpse into God’s plan and how carefully things are orchestrated, but in most cases, it goes beyond all human understanding.

But to still love?

How can we love when it seems seems so impossible? My friends, it’s all about giving it to God, because we ALL are sinners. When we find that we cannot love one another, we are disobeying Jesus’ very commands. Ouch. I know. Our sinful nature prevents us from forgiving so easily. Our sinful nature places pride in front of salvation. Our sinful nature whispers hate into our hearts making it impossible to love.

But we are NOT slaves to our sinful nature.

Friends, I urge you to see beyond the sin and know that every single being on this earth is a creation of God. Some of us are lost, some of us are found. In the heart of it all, we are ALL His dear children and we ALL deserve love. And wouldn’t you agree that the ones that are hardest to love need the most love of all? This is why God sets His eyes on the lost, the prodigal sons and daughters. For the rest of us hold His love in our hearts and pour it out to each other so much so that God continues to be with us. We are not left by the wayside.

So listen to your hearts, children of God. For He calls you, too, to look for the lost and to love those who need love most of all. Pray to see forgiveness and truth. Pray to feel mercy and grace. Pray for the lost. For they just want to be found.

“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:31)

Go in peace, friends.

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