Finding the Light in Darkness

It troubles me that there was yet ANOTHER police shooting today.

It troubles me that there is unrest in Turkey.

It troubles me that people look at each other and make judgements based on gender, ethnicity, clothing or music choice, and socio-economic status.

It troubles me that I have to monitor my elementary and middle school aged children when they use the computer for fun.

It troubles me that my children can’t just walk down to the nearest park to hang out with friends.

It troubles me that children around the world, in our country, and even on my island home are being trafficked in the dark.

It troubles me that media and social media brings more darkness to the world than light. Because it sells.

It troubles me that our nation is on the brink of social disaster and the upcoming elections seems to be only tearing us apart.

It troubles me that this darkness mentioned above is covering our world.

It troubles me when people ask “Where is God in all this?”

We are going through a message series at our church called “When God Doesn’t Make Sense.” This week’s topic was “When God Seems Late.” Hmm. I’ve got to say that God’s timing on this series was pretty spot on, because here we are, Christians around the nation calling out to Him. Asking Him to save us, to heal us, to be with us, to stop the madness. “Enough is Enough!”

But friends, I ask you to stay faithful because our God is faithful. And as much as we would love for Him to fix all of OUR problems in OUR time in OUR way, you know and I know that is not His way. God’s plan is much bigger, much better, and HAS TO be done HIS way and in HIS time. It’s painful, I know. It’s painful to watch innocent people die. It’s painful to watch death, disease, and destruction run rampant in our world. It’s HARD to believe in all of this that our God is a Good God.

But here, my friends, is where FAITH comes in. You have to believe that His will is not for us to suffer. But rather, the opposite.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Without faith, one might scoff at this idea and blurt out a “Yeah, right.” It’s easy to do when you’re watching a loved one die. It’s easy to dismiss God’s plans when your friend is arrested for hurting another. How, you ask yourself, can this be God’s plan? …I can’t answer that, my friend, but please have faith that it is. I guarantee you that He is devastated by the world’s events. But He is faithful.

When Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt and out of slavery and darkness that they had endured for years, God promised to lead them to His land for them, the land of milk and honey. But because His people lacked faith, they turned away and wandered the desert for 40 more years even though they were a stone’s throw away.

But God is Faithful.

The next generation of Israelites entered the promised land as God had desired.

When Abraham and Sarah were promised that their children would number the stars in the sky, they found themselves still without a single child for so many years. Yet at 90 and 100 years old, their son, Isaac, became the first of many descendants.

When David was anointed to become king, it wasn’t instant, he continued living as a shepherd, and then lived on the run from Saul for many years. But he did become king, and a great king.

When Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, fraudulently sent to prison, and forgotten by a friend, his God, our God, was still faithful and delivered him to prosperity.

Truth is, darkness has always had a foot into our world. It’s always been lurking in the shadows. Tempting us. Just waiting. Darkness has wormed its way into society through our own modern devices and technology. Our spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak.

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” (Ephesians 4:26-27)

Truth is, we were not born with darkness in our hearts.

We are the light. We are HIS light. And in the darkness, we are meant to shine.

There’s a song that’s been on my heart during all these events in our country – in our world. Everyone is calling on someone to just DO SOMETHING.

But what if that someone is us.  Matthew West’s song, Do Something, speaks truth to my heart and here are the lyrics to the first verse and chorus, and I’ve included the video at the bottom of this post.

I woke up this morning
Saw a world full of trouble now
Thought, how’d we ever get so far down
How’s it ever gonna turn around
So I turned my eyes to Heaven
I thought, “God, why don’t You do something?”
Well, I just couldn’t bear the thought of
People living in poverty
Children sold into slavery
The thought disgusted me
So, I shook my fist at Heaven
Said, “God, why don’t You do something?”
He said, “I did, I created you”

If not us, then who
If not me and you
Right now, it’s time for us to do something
If not now, then when
Will we see an end
To all this pain
It’s not enough to do nothing
It’s time for us to do something

So friends, let’s DO SOMETHING. Rather than retaliate in anger, love on those in need. And Lord knows we are ALL in need. Let’s pray together, but pray without glorifying the negative events. If that means pray in secret, so be it. We don’t need to replay the horrific events by sharing news updates on social media. Let us not let the darkness blanket our earth. Let us be like beacons of light shining to all that we are FAITHFUL.

Dear friends, let us love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. (1 John 4:11-12)

My challenge to you is to do something.

Do something OUT of your comfort zone.

  • Pray with a neighbor
  • Pray for a stranger
  • Pray for the person who did you wrong
  • Forgive the shooters
  • Commit to doing a random act of kindness
  • Hug someone
  • Buy lunch for a homeless person
  • Provide water for those in need
  • Pray and ask God what is His will for you today.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (Luke 23:34)

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:9)

It is time.

Let your light shine.

Go in peace, my friends, to love and serve the Lord.


  1. Love this blog!! I can do some of what you wrote..I’ll start by hugging my boys…and find someone to do a random act of kindness. Something I try to do from time to time to remind myself…that I may not have much, but as long as I have…I can always share and help others ..even if it’s just to put a smile on their face!

    1. Yes! Yes! It doesn’t have to cost a penny. We are SO rich in so many ways that God blesses us: Our time, talents, and treasures are all his blessing He commissions us with. We need to take our blessings and use them to bless others! ? you!

  2. What an on time post! As I was reading your post, I couldn’t help but relate to the story of Lazarus in John 11 where he had been dead for four days. His sisters told Jesus that he was too late. But oh, we come to find that they saw God’s glory!

    I appreciate how you said for us to withhold from sharing those negative events. I think it is wise because it seems that everywhere we turn there is some new story that can’t be avoided.

    I loved this post and the call to action!

  3. This was an amazing post. We all need to be God’s light in this dark world. And we need to be doing something if we are saying we are God’s people. I loved the video at the end. Great finish!

  4. Asking the big questions–responding with an alternative answer..”Do something” Thank you!

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