Waiting on….

Sometimes we wait for that perfect moment to do something….

And we wait.

And we wait.

And we wait.

Oftentimes, we have waited so long we don’t even remember that we were waiting for we’ve moved on to other things. And in that new moment we find ourselves caught up again in the wait.

As I settle in to my life as a writer, I often find myself waiting. Waiting for the house to be clean. Waiting for the kids to start school. Waiting for the right words to come. So often, the procrastination bug – the one that’s been gnawing at me since grade school – will nestle into my head and aim my sights at something as unimportant as finding that lost earring or reorganizing my bookshelf. Today, I find myself playing a mindless game on my phone while trying to find the perfect playlist for today’s writing block.

Be Intentional,” I tell myself.

The intentions are always there, but my follow through seems to be my downfall. So in this season, I vow to be intentional – in everything.

This means getting organized and carving out my day piece by piece.

This means not crawling back into the wonderfully cozy bed after dropping the kids off at school.

This means being faithful to the One who put me in this position in the first place.

So what if the house is a mess – there will be an hour block a day to work on that.

So what if we got a whole basket of cookies and biscotti – I will have one treat here and there, but I will stick on my healthy eating track.

So what if I have 25 notifications on my Facebook – my children are home from school and it can wait until they fall asleep.

Be Intentional.

The perfect moment will never arrive for me to pen these words to you. I am in the middle of reorganizing and redecorating my work space. My kids are just starting a new school year – two of them are starting at a new school. I have about ten books I didn’t get read over the summer that I’m just dying to get to. I have three books I did finish over the summer that I’d love to write a book review on. Something’s always there to pull my

Some things can wait, for there are things more important waiting for you. 

I’ve learned to work on God’s time. You know, that tug on your heart telling you that you really should be doing … something else.  The passion that consumes you, so you find yourself writing through lunch – and you aren’t even hungry. The moment your phone battery shuts down a few percentages early, or the laptop decides to do a software update, because your daughter has wonderful news to share with you and she needs you present. Our plans are not always the best laid plans. But His are.

God’s time. It’s always perfect. My time is not.

Sometimes, as I wait for those perfect words, those perfect moment, I wonder if they will never come. I doubt myself, and in doing so, doubt the work I’ve been sent to do. Maybe I’m doing the wrong thing. Maybe this is not what God had intended, and that’s why it’s not happening. Take heart. Remember to follow that still, small voice deep within you guiding you. You know it’s still right. You know it’s His will for you. You know it’s not meant to be easy.

For God never gives you something that HE can’t handle. 

No matter what’s ahead of us, He’s got our back. We could face anguish, trouble, disappointments, but He and His Word are what we delight in. And they will always always be there.

So give it up to the One who can. The One who really matters. And have peace in knowing that even though we feel the words may never be perfect, or the moment just doesn’t seem quite right, all will be good if we trust Him with it. We will still need to put in the work, but the perfection will be His.

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.

-Ephesians 6:7

My friends, wait no longer. Embrace the now, and follow the passions of your heart. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back from doing what you are called to do. Even if you’re not sure what you’re supposed to do, follow that still, small voice in your heart and you will know.

  1. “For God never gives you something that HE can’t handle. ”

    I loved the whole thing, but especially this. Thank you for so many good reminders. <3

  2. Thank you, Jenn!!! I have such a hard time disengaging and being present sometimes. Working from home while 8 months pregnant with a toddler… it makes it challenging to focus- on anything! 😀

    1. Ah, Haylie! I totally get it. My girls are 21 months apart, and I was still working full time then. It’s hard, but we can do this! ?

  3. Oh yes! Wait! I think God had some humor in that word somewhere. Sometimes I love that word and sometimes I wish it would go away…lol But in the end, God waits for us too as we wait for Him. Great post! Blessings!

  4. Oh the waiting….I think most of our lives are waiting. The key is choosing to wait with a joyful, hopeful heart (instead of dread and fear). Hard to do! But waiting is always worth it in the end.

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